Sport and Social integration. A survey in Italian High Schools


  • Maria Girolama Caruso Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali - CNR
  • Loredana Cerbara Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali - CNR
  • Adele Menniti Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali - CNR
  • Maura Misiti Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali - CNR
  • Antonio Tintori Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali - CNR



Young People, Sport, Social Integration, Migrant, Survey


The paper presents the results of the study carried out by the IRPPS in the framework of an agreement between the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) for the promotion of integration policies through sports. So far, two surveys have been conducted. The first one (2016-2017) involved a sample of secondary school students and some of their teachers. The second survey - presented in this report – was focused on girls and boys attending the first two years of the high school. It has been carried out at the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year in 30 Italian schools; 4011 students and 132 teachers were interviewed. The research deals with a number of issues related to the role of sport among young people: sport participation and sporting values, gender and ethnic stereotypes regarding sport, trust of adults, and inter-ethnic friendship. The results have shown significant differences between boys and girls in their attitudes and behaviour towards sport. Moreover, students with a migrant background generally present lower sport participation levels than their Italian peers. The findings highlight the importance to explore the experiences of sport amongst adolescents and the reasons for (non) participation in sport, as well as adults’ and coaches’ role in conveying the values of sport. These issues, approached in these two IRPPS surveys, calls for a further in-depth analysis in order to contribute to a more advanced (better) understanding on the role of sport in fostering integration in multicultural societies.


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How to Cite

Caruso, M. G., Cerbara, L., Menniti, A., Misiti, M., & Tintori, A. (2018). Sport and Social integration. A survey in Italian High Schools. IRPPS Working Papers, 1–83.



Working Papers