Well‐being and Social inequality. Sociological and Statistical analysis on the economic crisis and its effects


  • Ilaria Di Tullio IRPPS - CNR; Università degli studi di Roma, La Sapienza




well‐being, social inequality, economic crisis, Gini’s index, OECD, neoliberalism


Economic crisis has changed the political, economic and social scenario of the world as we know it. Economic liberalism, which theorizes freedom of movement synonymously with prosperity and happiness has failed. The Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz has recently announced a theorem which declares “When social inequality between people increases, GDP tends to decrease and to become negativeâ€. His thesis confirmed the extraordinary connection between social disparity increases, measured with Gini’s coefficient, these heavy economic catastrophes mirror the U.S. Great depression of 1929. This contribute take advantage of statistical instruments, sociology’s faithful supporters to highlight the economic transformation. There are analysis like Gini’s coefficient trend with relation a historic series which shows data from 1983 to 2013, a Principal Componet Analysis and a Cluster Analysis from the well-being indicators Matrix (source: OCSE) and a partition of the OCSE member-states. Economic financialization, smaller income resources, extreme freedom of movements, flexibility in productive cycles in job, the decrease in action collective spaces, contribution to increases in social inequality and removal of conceptions such as integrity and proximity. There is a narrow correlation between economic liberalism and social inequality with a high insecurity consequence. The aim of this work is to highlight these dimensions about economic crisis beyond common sense.


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How to Cite

Di Tullio, I. (2015). Well‐being and Social inequality. Sociological and Statistical analysis on the economic crisis and its effects. IRPPS Working Papers, 1–97. https://doi.org/10.14600/irpps_wps.71.2015



Working Papers