Journalism of the future: trends, weaknesses and strengths. Technologies, roles and profession


  • Giuseppina Piccirilli Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
  • Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS



Web 2.0, Social Network, Social Media, Internet, Journalism


The evolution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the pervasive use of new devices enables a wide access of data and information by the population, and an effective use of new services, and their production. A real a strong revolution is therefore produced in the different sectors of society with a change of actors, their relationships and roles. These changes, in turn stimulate new demand in terms of innovation in information and communication technologies. Journalism does not provide an exception, which is increasingly incorporated into the company with roles, tasks and challenges, and it is increasingly embedded in the society with roles, tasks and challenges. This working paper provides a discussion on these issues.


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How to Cite

Piccirilli, G., & Grifoni, P. (2015). Journalism of the future: trends, weaknesses and strengths. Technologies, roles and profession. IRPPS Working Papers, 1–19.



Working Papers