Comunità di itineranza e saper‐circolare dalla fine dell’ottocento alla fine del novecento


  • Andrea Salvatore Antonio Barbieri Cnr-IRPPS UOS Penta di Fisciano



migrations, transnational networks, circulatory territories


New migratory forms that lead to the circulation of poor migrants in long rotational movements with no sedentarisation have given birth to circulatory trans-national territories. These territories, which are woven by the routes of networks, present specific outlines and modalities of articulation to the local societies that can be observed in the cities of Eastern as well as Western Europe along the Mediterranean Basin. This article studies these new socio-spatial morphologies The author observes the spatial relations between exacerbated forms of «gentrification» and the formation of urban spaces of foreigners indebted to the new migratory forms.

Author Biography

Andrea Salvatore Antonio Barbieri, Cnr-IRPPS UOS Penta di Fisciano

Dirigente di Ricerca Cnr, Responsabile UOS IRPPS di Penta di Fisciano


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How to Cite

Barbieri, A. S. A. (2014). Comunità di itineranza e saper‐circolare dalla fine dell’ottocento alla fine del novecento. IRPPS Working Papers, 1–56.



Working Papers