Representation of migrants in Italian history and geography textbooks
Textbooks, Science Education, Human Migration, School CurriculaAbstract
An important aspect of science education is represented by textbooks. Textbooks provide a context for understanding the relationship between knowledge and values, and to observe how the research results are presented to the society. In this working paper we analyze how the phenomenon of human migrations is dealt in Italian history and geography school textbooks. The choice of concentrating in particular on books of geography and history of specific classes is based on an analysis of the official directions of the Italian Ministry of Education for school curricula. We produced a grid of analysis which includes several dimensions, with the aims of detecting the differences between the current scientific debate on human migrations and the information contained in the textbooks, and of revealing the value system conveyed implicitly and explicitly by the images and the text. While scientific research shows that human migration in Italy is an extremely heterogeneous phenomenon, on the textbooks we found an oversimplified representation of it. Implicit values such as biological determinism and sexism emerge, and critical gender issues are present.References
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