Sperimentazione software Open source, Limesurvey


  • Michele Falivene




Open Source, Limesurvey, Web Based Survey


The Open Source Lab of the IRPPS at Penta di Fisciano (SA) has experimented Limesurvey software. This report will document about a survey on work-related stress risks in the National Research Council assessment. The survey has been administred and completed on-line using the Limesurvey software web interface. The report aims to disseminate the software testing results from a technical and organizational view. To share experiences and results belongs to the "Open Source" perspective however, this report, we contribute to expand this technical view, by including organizational and operational dimensions related to the use of software solutions.


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How to Cite

Falivene, M. (2012). Sperimentazione software Open source, Limesurvey. IRPPS Working Papers. https://doi.org/10.14600/irpps_wps.41.2012



Working Papers