Position Paper on Smart Working
This document on smart working considers the experiences made in 2020 2021 in the field of public research, highlighting strengths and weaknesses. The document deals with some relevant issues emerging from the experience of emergency working, such as: use of the smart working regime as an opportunity to innovate work methods, equipment, time and place of work performance, evaluation and reporting of activities. The document, considering the social complexity of smart working, proposes to articulate the discussion along nine dimensions, and presents some proposals aimed at overcoming the difficulties and weaknesses rising during these months. The aim of the work is to raise public debate on the new opportunities opened by this social innovation and provide keys to understanding, also in the light of the corrective measures and proposals put forward.Downloads
2022-04-26 — Updated on 2022-04-26
How to Cite
Antonucci, M. C., Felici, M. G., & Paolucci, M. (2022). Position Paper on Smart Working. IRPPS Working Papers, 1–12. Retrieved from http://epub.irpps.cnr.it/index.php/wp/article/view/272
Working Papers
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