Networked Together: Designing Participatory Research in Online Ethnography
Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Rethinking Educational: researching on-line communities and interactions (Naples, 6-7 June 2013). Contents- Introduction
Paolo Landri - Games people play in University culture: An ethnographic blended dramatic research based on transactional analysis
Delfim Paulo Ribeiro - Ethical issues in the use of social networks as a field of research: public places or private rooms?
Carla Luzia De Abreu - Cartography mediated by digital technologies: new perspectives for ethnographic research
Daniel de Queiroz Lopes, Eliane Schlemme, Rosane Kreusburg Molina - Professional vision in scientific practice. The co-construction of meanings through the use of Skype
Assunta Viteritti - What role do social media play in educational experiences of access to higher education students in England?
Anna Piela, Hugh Busher, Nalita James, Anna-Marie Palmer - E-Learning technology and digital ethnography for language learning in the modern classroom
Simone Schlichting-Artur - Going on- and offline: Following the course in the light of e-pedagogical concepts
Karen Borgnakke, Anita Lyngsø - ‘Roll-out neoliberalism’ through one-to-one laptop investments in Swedish schools
Catarina Player-Koro, Dennis Beach - Zooming in - Zooming out - using iPad video diaries in ethnographic educational research
Vibeke Røn Noer - Framing multi-sited ethnography as an approach for coping with the complexity of young people's ways of learning, communicating and expressing themselves in and outside secondary schools
Fernando Hernández-Hernández, Rachel Fendler, Juana M Sancho Gil - Second Life: a learning community. The contribution of ethnography to understand virtual worlds
Ivonne Citarella - Themes of interest in (for) a digital (ethnography) environment
Juan Pablo Ferro
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